






The Diary took off Athens, Greece on the 1st of August of 2008 with the Great Eclipse of the North. It was first sent to the United States of America,  and then changing continents went to Africa, Oceania (New Zealand and Australia), Asia and back to America  and then returned to Europe making a full circle of the Earth in one year. During this first part of the Journey the artists used the postal services of each country to send it out.  Then the Diary left again with the post to the States but then continued carried with a camper vehicle (motor home)  and was deliverered hand to hand to 43 artists from 28 different parts of the US and traveling for about two years. Then it traveled to Canada back to the States and continued with post to Central America and then came back to Europe. The the Diary went back and forth to England and Greece and ended up in Cyprus where it concludes before the year ends.

First Journey

I placed the very first Memories and Dreams of the Copper Child in a prologue and wrapped it up and send it to the first writer who was, more than anyone else related to this project, as her favorite creature was the raven. The first part of Journey finds the Diary in Missouri, in the hands of Cheryl Ann Darr aka Lady ~M ~ .

Joining the (virtual) Pub in the autumn of 2007 in MySpace as I mentioned earlier in The Angel's Nest, I had the chance to befriend extraordinary writers and very talented poets, like Robert Mitchell from South Africa and Michael Todd aka DJ Myke (and the Boombox) from Tennessee who used to visit the pub and often wrote blogs and shared poetry. I was then introduced to several others, poets like Aurora Rulloda Narvaez aka Dawn and befriended musicians like Fiona Joy Hawkins from Australia and lyricists like Eric Bjarnason Martin aka ~Eb Martin~ from Canada and quite a few photographers. The Pub was also where I met Maryann Corrigan aka Why I Otter, a multitalented lady; poet, photographer and artist that at the time lived in Maryland, US. I spoke while at work to Alexis Kasnakis who that time was visiting Athens for work in the Golden City Hotel who heard my story and wanted to help and joined the project as an advisor in internet matters, though later on when he developed his photography skills, he also entered in the project his photography. It was the time also that I touched base with David Melville one of my close internet friends who has been really supportive ever since he found out about the project and helped me both financialy and technically.


If you like to visit the galleries of the First Journey, please click here: World's Round Trip

If you like to read the chronicles of the Diary during the First Journey, meet the Artists, read their Biographies and see, hear or read their works please visit: 


The Seventh Floor | Red (color red)


Between  the 20th of August and  the 14th of  February of 2009, the Diary was stationed in Greece. (Ελλάς, the Land of Light). Lack of money stopped its progress for a few months, and so in a moment of weakness I gave my quill away, ending the project in despair, as without it, I couldn’t write anymore in the Diary. But few months later, the quill was returned to me and encouraged me to continue.  I closed the seventh floor with my contribution after my good friend Avgi Platanidi aka Dusk (Αυγή means dawn) wrote her entry.  Those above were selected to receive the book and become its first 13 chapters during its maiden voyage around the world. Aygi  introduced me to her friend Kostas Babaletsos a musician, who had formed a band in the past with her called Nonsense.I opened the next floor, the orange, with him.  The seventh floor was named Red after the eclipse which had a distinguish red color and happened on the north hemisphere the day the diary left and represents the first color we see on the rainbow.


(Four years later, the sheets of music of the piece of Kostas Babaletsos & Mihalis Lekkakos who were meant to fill that space, will be placed renewed with a CD and a dedication. They added one more genre in the Diary inspired by classical, indie and rock and both play guitar.) Then my father holding his black quill wrote the closing of the passage of the In the Land of the Fallen  sharing his chapter with my special sister Kyriaki, a painter and a poet and once I had the chance and in February of 2010, I sent it out again to Florida, USA. It was received by my beloved friend Mary Margaret Schell aka Herald Dean and so the Thunderbuss Journey began. If you like to visit the galleries of the Journey please visit: The Thunderbuss Journey


The Thunderbuss Journey


I am in the Thunderbuss

the bus of emotions

I get to work on a bus

a Thunderbuss in motion

Thunderbuss, bass sounds smooth spectacle

not just a trailer on a trail

My trail of devotion

devotion’s reel, prose.

A rose, A cause,

Possessed from the thunder and paused

For a memory...


Halkios, Copyright © 2009


2009 02 25


She said:


“Set flight as Beauty Lights color Soul of Free

Winged majestic Thunderbuss

 anointed as we, ride soul flight with thee...


[MM-Herald Dean]

Mary Margaret Schell, Copyright © 2009



Mary Margaret handed the Diary to Mary and Francis Young in late February of 2010 and they were named The Messengers making this second trip to the United States, a very adventurous and very long one too. I called it the The Thunderbuss Journey, as the Diary will travel approx. 22000 miles on American Soil  with a camper I called The Thunderbuss and about 22 months visiting about 46 states in the U.S.A and the District of Columbia.

In the first few months Mary and Francis decided to take it all over in the Eastern states; first to Wendy Milne and Colleen Keller Breuning aka Colleen  in the Florida Keys and  then back to Florida to another painter Nancy Lee. The Diary then travelled upnorth to Shirley Alexander in Georgia then to the Carolina Girls, Rebecca S. Revels and Connie Hearin Anderson,  in the North and South of Carolina. This floor bathed in shades of the color orange closed with Stacy A. Foster who was the last 13th artist of the floor. These where the first 10 american angels of the orange floor and its was named The Art of Orange as it travelled mostly from the orange state of Florida to the peach state of Georgia; a bit of red was added from the fields of strawberries our friend Nancy cultivates in her farm. One of the rooms 607 is kept for the unknown artist of Cyprus who I am destined to find on the way and showcase at the end of the journey. Read more : Chapter XX


francisthedriver 45


The Messengers


Messengers of an Ideal,

Love driven by a Woman and a Man

Collecting laugh, drafts, toys, letters and joy

Giving Love, hugs, hope and smiles

They have done Miles and Miles

Building bridges between you and I.


by Halkios

© Copyright 2009

2011 03 13

Messengers / Building Bridges


Building Bridges


She said:

“Bridges are built with our words

Sharing pieces of our very souls

Hope we spread with our ink

Friendship and honor our only goals

An occasional laugh or virtual wink

With words we share a virtual dance

Each verse ultimately carries

Links to our hearts through our words


by Mary Ska

© Copyright 2009


Going up towards the Eastern USA, early October, Mary and Francis met Jeff Gunderson aka Jeff Gand Yvon J. Cormier, Lana Deym Campbell who is the fourth painter artist of the project and a poet as well. Later on they joined forces with Kat Sullivan aka Katriona on the groves another Messenger who helped the couple, driving the Thunderbuss driving the Diary to a small group of Angels around New York and New Jersey meeting Jessica Sicko Ginter aka Jessie and Gianni Di Miele aka Gianni my first two friends from old MySpace. She will give back the Diary to its Messengers along with a handmade cover bag that she contributed to the project as one of the artisans. They bought a big pirate chest and a smaller one, for the little things that they were collected on the way, CDs with music, videos and gifts given by the artists and that is why it was called the Treasure Trove.

Mary and Francis drove to Massachusetts to another gathering with Craig Fallon aka The Falcon and Joan Withington aka Joanie. See: Gathering in MA. (Milestones).

Late November they headed to Mississippi to meet up one more time with Cheryl Ann Darr and continued to Arkansas to Linda Taylor Cole. On Christmas of 2010 they reached Arizona and met Thomas Karl Krull aka Tom Kat one of my blogophilia friends, so that he could place his own part in the Diary's pages.

They met Maryann Corrigan once again in a gathering with Bryan A. Casey and the fiddler, poet and photographer Barbara Kausteklis aka Barbara K, and early February they went to our mutual friend Barbara Ann Smith aka Shalimar Rose who wrote the last chapter of the yellow floor. See: Gathering in CA (Milestones).


Around February they continued their Journey in Southern California to meet Susan Morgan Bosler aka Morgan Lafey, who commenced the entries of the green floor, I called Terra Ark with an evening mist and in the whereabouts of Louisiana with the first morning breeze, they met Susan Leeling aka Grandma Susan.

It was a sad week as we have all been informed about the loss of Patty Rae Loftin aka Elly funky Boots (featured in Artistic Siblings room 403) who she resided in Texas and in her memory we left one empty page which is now filled with dedication giving her the room 403 sharing the page with all those poets who never made it writing in the Diary but their entries where added through a stanza or from collaborations placed throughout the Diary’s pages.  Her passage was called Dust in the Skies and will open the door of the artistic siblings all those who Mary and Francis could not meet. They met the reverend David Price in Houston, Shauna Alexander aka Ravin ~Never More *LWHP* in Corpus Cristi, Lisa Daniel aka Nouveau Gypsy in College Station and Themis Economo aka Themis. (one more greek guy :-) )

Later in May In Kansas they visited Stacy Welch aka Trixy for Rabbits and her daughter Hailey Rainae; Stacy was one of my favorite artists and a very close friend, and her passing away 3 months later gave Terra's Ark a stern goodbye and her room was given to her daughter Hailey Rainae.

By the end of May, they took the Diary to Cedar Rapids in Iowa to Jil Cram aka Inner Beauty who wrote her part in the Diary and then to Oconto in Wisconsin to Jean Pleshek raising the amount of artists in the Diary by 50. The next two last chapters of this floor were, Lorrie Sarafin, the sixth musician of the Diary and my friend  Michael Wayne Holland aka SF Tiger, the one I share my birthday, as well as with Aurora Narvaez (room 709).


Lisa Joslyn aka Dahlia was the first one to write from this floor which I call the Inert Sea one my friends from the challenge of Blogophilia in the old MySpace and long time friend and collaborator. The Diary will have Dave Coon aka Nissmech, re entering the Diary and long time friends like the couple Tina Howard aka Hearts Gone Wild and Ron Howard aka Jaxson Phoenix who reside in Washington state. At this time Mary and Francis were supposed to end their drive heading to Massachusetts but first they passed by from Michigan for one last time to meet meet with Vicki Howery who has been a part of my first group of friends that I formed,  the Walls of Creation group and Caryn Steele aka Black Widow, an also very talented poet and incredibly intelligent individual who always had expressed through her very strong and dark poetry. The farewell party at Andrea Verber Kendrick's house was the big goodbye for the The Messengers Mary and Francis and the closure of their long journey  they made with the Thunderbuss; they finally ended their querst and placed too their entries and handed the Diary to Craig Fallon the next messenger who took it to his beloved, Lissa DeFreitas aka Melissa who resides in Canada in North America  in January of 2012. 


If you like to visit the galleries of the Thunderbuss Journey, please click here: The Thunderbuss Journey.

If you like to read the chronicles of the Diary during the Thunderbuss Journey, meet the Artists, read their Biographies and see, hear or read their works please visit:


The Sixth Floor | The Art of Orange (color orange)

The Fifth Floor | Lily In The Darkness (color yellow) 

The Fourth Floor | Terra Ark (color green)

The Third Floor| Inert Sea (color blue)

Third Journey

It involved this time another 40 artists from the United States of America, raising the total chapters to 62 into a span of three years. See: Farewell party in RI. (Milestones).

The Diary fled with post for the first time after 22 months to another country. It arrived in the city of  San José Costa Rica and nested there for a while with Alba Hernández Abrego aka Venus Daughterbefore it left the Americas.


If you like to visit the image galleries of the Third Journey, please click here: Third Journey


The Journey in Europe

Alba sent it to Rutger Sikkens aka Ruggi in Utrecht Netherlands and once he was done with his part he delivered it in person to Frans Van Rossum aka The Bell Chimer in Amsterdam who for the Diary's arrival chimed the bells of the Zuider Kerk (South Church of Amsterdam) setting another Milestone for the Diary. Frans chimed the oldest bell of Amsterdam for 5 minutes. See: Chiming in NL (Milestones).

In October of 2012 Frans sent the Diary by post to me,  when I lived at the time in London. It was the first time I saw the book since it left Athens on the 22nd of February, 2010. The book at that moment accomplished a journey of 4 years and 3 months - another Milestone.


Neil White who lives in London and also one my very first MySpace friends, was the first chapter of the second floor who has an indigo color is called Abyss started out a new journey in the Land of Angels, England.  We met under the statue of the Eros in Piccadilly and he kept the book for a week. I took then the book to Hartshill in Warwickshire, where it nested in the safe hands and the warmth of the artistic family of Julian Daffern. For the next months the Diary had passed  from one member of the family to the other. Jack Young was the next poet, an orator and actor and philosopher the son of Dawn Mils who is the partner of Julian and also an artisan who has given the Diary its foreword but she also edited most of the parts of the website and did its proofreading. It was handed on to Julian's daughter Rosie Daffern  and to her partner Alex Weaver in the city of Hereford, but Rosie will draw and write after Alex See:  The Diary in Stonehenge (Milestones). 

I took the Diary with me in Laindon to sweet Iris the bookbinder who cured the book from its wounds, and some loosen pages. And I contacted Kostas Koumpiadis aka Kostas B. Hades who had prepared his entry in London where he studies Music and a month later I gave to him in person in Athens. He is the fourth chapter of this floor bathed in shades of indigo and violet and he has marked another milestone; he is the 70th chapter of this book. 

In Athens in mid April I met three old members, Avgi (room 712) , Kostas and Mihalis (601) who updated more artwork into their pages and gave me the chance to take pictures of them with it but also to welcome three more members Aggelos Kalorizikakis  and Alexis Karafeskos who I had not seen in years, them being costudents in the Greek School of Bengazi and Nikos Mihas. At this point I made an attempt to make the Diary known with people presenting the Diary in various gatherings in Athens with friends from the past my costudents and teachers from the Greek School of Benghazi,  where I was born and raised. I return back in Hartshill again in my second family of the Dafferns who offered me shelter and food and the chance to continue the journey which the past three months have taken all my time and effort. An expected surprise was the visit of Fiona Joy Hawkins (room 707) the musician who saw the Diary in its first steps all theway down under. See: Milestones. With Julian who is placed in room 208 the Journey in England has ended on the 30th of July and the campaign with Indiegogo ended with 12% success and since then the Diary returned to Athens and the last artist who drew in Athens was the painter Angelos Michaelides. On the 7th of August the painter Efi Andrianou came from Cyprus to receive the Diary in the Temple of Afaia in Aegina. Koula (room 603) delivered her the Diary and Efi took with her the next day to Cyprus. Since them she has been distributing  the Diary among the Cypriot artists. Another milestone was made with the meeting of the sculptor Sevcan Cerkez  with Efi Andrianou in Nicosia.


If you like to visit the image galleries of the Journey in Europe, please click here: The Journey in Europe

If you like to read the chronicles of the Diary during the Journey throughout Europe, meet the Artists, read their Biographies and see, hear or read their works please visit:


The Second Floor | The Abyss (color indigo)


The Land of Venus

 You can click the Land of Venus to find information and image gallleries from the visits of the Diary to the Cypriot Artists. The Land of Venus


At the moment the Diary is been distributed among the cypriot artists.  Paris Metaxas, Demetra Poulos and the painter Athina Antoniadou,  have already placed their spirit inside in the past two weeks. - 16th of September 2013 | update by Halkios


The final journey will be done on foot with Halkios walking around the coast of Cyprus starting from the highest mountain Troodos towards the north part of the island with goals every 5 or 7 days to reach each different cape of the island, a total of five, until it reaches the Akama Peninsula. For more information please visit Odoiporiko to consult the itinerary through Cyprus.


On the 19th of September the Gallery Argo at 64E Digeni Akrita Avenue at 19:30 Halkios presents for a first time the Diary to the Cypriot people. For more: Gallery Argo


If you like to read the chronicles of the Diary during the journey in the Land of Venus, meet the Artists, read their Biographies and see, hear or read their works please visit:


The First Floor | River of Gold (color violet)


The Project ends in Nicosia when Halkios will gift the Diary of an Angel to Cyprus with a last announcement in the Gallery Argo at 64E Digeni Akrita Avenue at 19:30. For more: Gallery Argo


If you wish to see the trails of the 10 out of the 30 days walk please visit: 




Copyright  © 5764  / 2004. All Rights reserved to the concepts, writings, poetry, photography and video art by Halkios. All thoughts sealed long ago in a contract with the universe. No recreation of these scrolls, in any shape or means of force, is tolerable without articulate consent of the intrepid architect.