




Message from Susan

Susan Morgan Bosler is a writer, poet, artist and craft designer who currently lives in Southern California. She has advanced degrees in History and Humanities but has put her studies in the field of psychology on hold while she examines the areas of the paranormal and supernatural. She is a licensed investigator and has worked thousands of fraud related and missing people’s cases in her work history. She formerly published and edited an on-line magazine entitled Spirit hunter; she has been published in various on-line magazines, hard copy newspapers and poetic anthologies. 

Ms. Bosler has published three poetry books to date and one conversational journal, entitled Colloquy. She is presently working on a Metaphysical-Supernatural Novel, a new Poetry Collection, and a book of Short Fiction. 

blissdespairbc Colloquy frontcover poemsoflovebc
Bliss Despair and Risky Deeds Colloquy Poems of Love, Desire and Life

She is also part of a worldwide project entitled - The Diary of An Angel (with over 91 writers, poets, musicians and others). Ms. Bosler is new to the world of recorded spoken poetry and is currently venturing out in this area. She has also written under the name Morgan La fey and creates art in various mediums under the name Zann and Zannmade Designs.


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Susan on Wordpress

Her poem about Love


"Job Description"


Between the words

Scattered upon this page

is the sweat of my brow

from the back breaking, chiseling labor

of transmuting something out of nothing -

instead of ink you will find

indelible, invisible blood

drain directly from my veins

until I have almost none

to continue to pump to my heart -

My thoughts adhered, hereon

with an all too surreal

adhesive of bondage

tiny paper cuts ripped

into my fingers’ tips until they are numb -

I come to you and stand before you

Stripped of pride

Devoid of modesty

Undressed, naked



just so you can

know with absolute certainty

my truth

my observations

my sorrow, pain, love, abhorrence, joy, passion and faith

I will tell all, give all

react, rebuff and rebuke

so that you may

all at once

know what I believe to be

the expanse of eternity

or the shallow last breaths of life

“look at how the veil is lifted by my hands in the dark of night”-

come with me on my journey

to feel as you have never thought to feel

to see as you have never seen

to touch and be touched in the ethereal

lands filled with fatted calves and succulent grapes

or perhaps a landscape of waste from depredation is more to your liking-

fear not, you will not be alone

I am here, with you

tiny particulates of my soul

that have been torn away

will guide you

from the first word to the last-

if I have done my job properly

I will stay with you and you will think upon me

like a ghost I will haunt you

like a dream I will inspire

this is what I do

this is all I can hope to do

I am a writer, I am a poet

this is my art and it always begins

on a blank page.


© All rights reserved to the poetry and writings by Susan Morgan Bosler aka Morgan Lafey

Copyright  © 5764  / 2004. All Rights reserved to the concepts, writings, poetry, photography and video art by Halkios. All thoughts sealed long ago in a contract with the universe. No recreation of these scrolls, in any shape or means of force, is tolerable without articulate consent of the intrepid architect.