




Self Portrait by Nancy Lee

Message from Nancy

I am an ancient, but not always wise, I’ve had great love in my life, turned away from it and then had great regret, but lived long enough to get it back, to my everlasting joy. I was a teacher of challenged children, and learned from it more than did my students, and I was a columnist for a small, weekly newspaper. I have been a writer and artist from when I first picked up a pen in my baby hands. I write from memory and from love, both the love of the sound of flowing words, and from the challenges found in places and people. I paint for the emotion conjured up in colors. I sing for the enchantment of sharing the beauty of music within a choral venue. In a more daring time in Life, I rode galloping horses, and raced sportscars at well-known race tracks around the U.S. as well as on the far North’s icy lakes in our typically frigid and snowy Winters. I am a participant and rarely a spectator, and speed always beckons. 

We had a farm in Minnesota, a bit of heaven overlooking lakes, gentle streams, and fields of corn and cattle and horses. We raised four children, who always made me proud, and let me spoil my ten grandchildren. In my ancientry, I am again on a farm, in Florida, where I now have my beloved miniature horses, two obnoxious goats, an overflow of rescued dogs, and a guest room that is seldom empty. Within my view are American Eagles and elegant Cranes, and the Mockingbirds sing all day long. I can sit at my computer, looking out, and therein find my muse. 

I write of relationships and their stages of success or disaster, and are we not always in some relationship like that? One recent work is a tale of lifelong friendship and adoration, a half century battle. The other of teenage sisters forced to live out on their own, one being challenged by Autism. That’s me, writing two novels at a time. One is a vacation when the other has worn me down. I am thrilled to be a part of this worldwide project: Diary Of An Angel, to get a glimpse into the hearts of others and contribute my small story. May the poems and stories and artwork within give you insight into what the world could be. 






The Farm


Nancy's Tribute



© All rights reserved to the  poetry and writings by Nancy Lee

Copyright  © 5764  / 2004. All Rights reserved to the concepts, writings, poetry, photography and video art by Halkios. All thoughts sealed long ago in a contract with the universe. No recreation of these scrolls, in any shape or means of force, is tolerable without articulate consent of the intrepid architect.