




Message from Ron

I am a father, a husband, a child of God, a poet, an artist, a friend, a lover, a son, a brother, and at times a pain in the a**, but then aren't we all. I am married to a wonderful woman Tina Howard who inspires me to try and be the man I always wished I could be. I have the most intelligent, caring, talented and fun loving children in the world. I am truly blessed and pray that he blesses all of you as well.

I have been writing poetry since I was a teenager, mostly for my own edification. In 2005 I was helping a friend get find a publisher for his children’s books when I came across a publisher for poetry. I thought to myself, why not?So I submitted a sample of my poems and a week later I had a contract for a book. I was in trouble now, all my work had been hand written in journals and now I had to type them all and submit a manuscript. It took me 3 days, but I finally finished putting together a rough manuscript. That was my first book, A Search for Meaning.

Publishing that book opened my eyes to a whole new world. I began joining writing groups, poetry forums, and networking with artists from around the world. I began to learn what a good poem was and how to channel my emotions into those poems. I improved as a writer and as a person. I met some of the best writers in the world and I am happy to call them my friends. I also began developing writing forums the first one being Poetry in the ParkIt was at this site that my fellow writers and I put together an anthology entitled, Poetry in the Park, Volume One. It was my second book published and it included works from eight poets from around the world. It is by far my favorite work of poetry to date.


I currently have a book of romantic poetry and letters that is at the publisher for review and if they accept it will be my third book and the first one published under my pseudonym Jaxson Phoenix. The book is titled The Heart of the Phoenix.

The Diary of an Angel

I also have the distinct honor and privilege to be a part of The Diary of an Angel. This Global goodwill project has some of the greatest artists, writers, musicians, and photographers in the world contributing to it. It is my honor to add a piece of my soul to this incredible collection and to join Halkios in spreading this message of peace and love to the world.



Inspirational Poetry

Poetry in the Park

Poetry Phoenix

Seven Bridges

Hearts Gone Wild


Social Networks


Ron on Facebook

Ron on Myspace


His poem about love...


Pure Love


As a boy of four
I seldom have a care,
but I had to notice
my neighbor sitting there.

On his porch he sat
in silent disbelief
unable to control
or even hide his grief.

Tears ran down his face.
His heart was filled with sorrow.
Not sure if he would live
to see a new tomorrow.

He had lost his wife,
whom he'd loved for many years.
Now he would have no one
to share with all his tears.

So I went over there
and sat upon his knee,
his arm around my shoulder
he closely held to me.

When he could bear it
he sent me on my way.
Then my mother asked me
just what I had to say.

I told her I'd said nothing,
a tear still in my eye.
I just simply sat there
and I helped him cry.


© All rights reserved to the poetry and writings by Ron Howard aka Jaxson Phoenix




Copyright  © 5764  / 2004. All Rights reserved to the concepts, writings, poetry, photography and video art by Halkios. All thoughts sealed long ago in a contract with the universe. No recreation of these scrolls, in any shape or means of force, is tolerable without articulate consent of the intrepid architect.