I, I am a solitary sonant rhythm by Cheryl Ann Darr, Halkios & Maryann Corrigan
I cannot touch God because it burns
I cannot touch Love because I failed to love
I am the Wind that blows in between
And over sleepless minds
I drift
I, a watcher, made from fire and Air
Why, I stow away my fear in their dreams?
I cannot reach Paradise because it’s far
I cannot touch the Earth because it hurts
I am the Wind that sizzles in their ears
And over memories
I sing
I, a messenger, made from fire and Air
Why my symphony silences in the crowds mourn
I cannot reach my Self because he is lost
I cannot touch my Spirit because it’s cold
I am the Wind that whispers
To my Soul
I must
Be love,
I, who I am made from fire and Air,
I, I am a solitary sonant rhythm
I ask thee, why thou love me
© Copyright 2008 by Halkios
The elusive wind
caresses the earth
Sings within the trees
And tickles rivers and streams
It whispers of ages past,
Bygone secrets of ancient times.
It beckons the dreamer
To feel it’s essence
To soar to new heights,
Riding the currents of destiny
Remembering yesterday’s song.
I too am the wind;
Elusive and familiar
My caress a whisper of love
Engulfing you in endless dreams
To love you is to love myself
For we are the same,
We are the wind.
© Copyright 2008 by Cheryl Ann Darr aka Lady ~M ~
I dreamt of Angels and I saw your face
Faded ... sharp precis
Trapped in the lace
Haunting eyes, veiled beneath a misty haze
Hand reaches out...yet never seems to touch
Your slipping away..
A mirage…All is hushed
The orchestration
Of a thousand violins
Wafting in the night air
I dreamt of Angels and I saw your face
Calm now I rest…
Knowing, you are safe
Distant but connected by the
Of my mind
You’re encircled in
His love and grace~
© Copyright 2008 by Maryann Corrigan aka Why I Otter