




Message from Frans

I was born in Amsterdam NL on the 9th of august1947.  I lived all my life in or close to the city and at the moment I live in the city centre. Worked in bookshops, university libraries and archives. Even retired now but still working 1 or 2 days per week in a hospital. I am the bellchimer of the South Tower in Amsterdam since 1997 ( located just around the corner from where I live). The church building is no longer used for religious services since 1934. The tower has four bells the largest was casted in 1511 and weighs is 3300 kilos ( 7275 lbs). The chiming is done by hand :-)  I have always practiced sport; longdistance iceskating (longest was 200 km=124ml in 1 day), cycling, gym. In everyday life I try to be non judgmental for this reason I have chosen as my quote: What ever you think or feel , let others be. 



© All rights reserved to the poetry and writings by Frans Van Rossum aka The Bell Chimer




Copyright  © 5764  / 2004. All Rights reserved to the concepts, writings, poetry, photography and video art by Halkios. All thoughts sealed long ago in a contract with the universe. No recreation of these scrolls, in any shape or means of force, is tolerable without articulate consent of the intrepid architect.