About Avgi
Music is expression, communication, freedom. Music makes you fall in love, music makes you travel miles away in just a glance. Music is the eye of my soul. It’s been my personal journal for every memorable moment of my life since I can remember myself; either as a listener; either as a maker…From the enchanting sounds of dead can dance and Enya , the melodic creations of Greek musicians ,such as Giannis Markopoulos, to bands & artists like Radiohead , Puressence ,Pj Harvey, Tori Amos, music has built for me a solid home through the years… Don’t know if I was influenced by their music but surely I was inspired. As for me, a simple story I guess… It all started with me singing alone, then to friends…after a while I grabbed a guitar and it was not long before I wrote my first song on a warm August night and I’ve tried to keep the original feeling and sound of that moment alive even on the recordings. As for the music that I make, it’s my life’s journey to and through music, a journey that I’d like to share.
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