- Prolegomena
- The Angel's Nest
- The City of Gold
- The Seventh Floor
- The Sixth Floor
- Kostas Babaletsos & Mihalis Lekkakos
- Alexis Karafeskos
- Room 602
- International Woman's Day
- A journey into the past
- Acapulco - Mexico
- Honolulu, O'ahu Island
- Bergen, Norway
- Castle of Knights
- City of Vancouver
- Dubrovnic - Croatia
- Faces of Papua
- Fiji Islands
- Florence, Tuscany, Italy
- Guell Park
- Hydra island, Greece
- Koufonisi
- London
- Massaua - Eritrea - Disclosure
- Mausoleum of Hassan II
- Mount Fuji
- Mystras
- New York City
- Paros - Antiparos
- Petra and Wadi Rum desert
- Port of Funchal
- Samaria Canyon
- Santorini
- Seychelles
- The Patagonian Fjords and Channels Voyage
- The Sound of Percussions
- Time to fall off Masks
- Tokyo
- Libya
- Room 602
- George & Koula
- Mary Margaret Schell
- Colleen Keller Breuning
- Wendy Milne
- Chapter XX
- Brothers in Art | Jeff and Steven
- Nancy Lee
- Shirley Alexander
- Rebecca S. Revels
- Connie Hearin Anderson
- Stacy A. Foster
- The Fifth Floor
- The Fourth Floor
- The Third Floor
- The Second Floor
- The First Floor
- The Diary of an Angel
- The Trail of Dawn
- Odoiporiko
- Connect

Today | 147 |
About Aggelos Kalorizikakis
He grew up in Libya and his origin are from Hania, Crete 1972. He studied Gymanstics, in the Gymnastics Academy in Komotini, where he was teaching himself music (uti & tampoura) and traditional dance. He wrote music for two theatrical in Komitini and he worked as a guitarist in traditional taverns and the greek music scene.
His first album is called Lavyrythmos (which is play of words from the word Labirinth becomes Labirythm) with 13 songs (no. 02, & no. 12 lyrics are written inside the diary and dedicated to the Diary of an Angel). It "talks" about the City, Seasons and People.
Labirythm (Λαβύρυθμος)
City Seasons People
(Πόλη Εποχές Άνθρωποι)
Live Performance
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