




Sunset in Linou

Second trail in Cyprus

Trek: from Kakopetria to Linou (Λινού)

Date: 22nd of September

Duration: 12h 08m

Distance: Total: 12.31 km


First Track: 7.56 km

Track (22/9/13 12:31:46μ.μ.)


Diary second day 015

I left Kakopetria with the Church of St. Panteleimon (Αγιος Παντελεήμονας) on my left and heading to Galata to see the watermill of Rodou (Ροδού) and the two churches of Panaya Pothidou and Archangelos that lied in the tiny valley before me. The sightseeing was amazing. On the way I found a tiny little chappel called St. Nikolaos. You can take the first turn to the right when you enter Galata, with Kakopetria on your back and following the river you will find first Panaya Pothidou which is fully restaurated now, whith Archangelos still under restauration. If you are on foot is better to return to the old road from Kakopetria towards Kaliana to enjoy the sightseeing. You can browse the photogalleries from the slideshow menu on the top so you can see the sightseeing between Kakopetria to Galata and those wanderings Through Galata or by cliking the affiliate images left and right. 

St. Nikolaos

Leaving Galata I met Achilleas / Αχιλλέας and his wife Eleni / Ελένη, who have a confectionery. It was my first interraction with Cypriots who were refugees from their village due to the war of 1974. Achilleas told me about the times of war and the story of the loss of his dear brother who was killed on the 17th of August of 1974. I promised to take pictures of their house, if it was still there when I would reach Zodia ( Ζώδια) that now serves as the road block * (please refer to wikipedia for more information). They treated me with a smile, a traditional cypriot cake called Doukissa (Δούκισσα) and water. 

This route was dedicated to the sculptor Sevcan Cerkez. Her door showcased here, leads to her biography and works.



The Door of Sevcan Cerkez  opened here.


[Chapter  LXXVIII of the Diary of an Angel, Room 213 of The Second Floor Abyss of the City of Gold, Passage: Sculpture Of Love | (Aşkın Heykeli)]



Kaliana to Eyrychou


Railway Station Eyrychou Album

(visitng the old Cyprus Railway Station; click on the title to be transfered to the reffered page)



The Door of Shirley Alexander opened here.

[Chapter XXIII of the Diary of an Angel, Room 610 of the City of Gold, Passage: Hues of Peach]



Meeting Grandma Maria Amerikana



Eyrychou Streets

(Looking for the St. George Cathedral / Metropolis)


Metropolis Morphou

(Resting in the beautiful garden of Metropolis, Meeting Efi, Vasilis and Demetris )


Meeting the Archibishop of Morphou




A Child

 (Asking a child to paint for us)




(Σύλλογος Ευρύχου Τριπτοπόλεμος)


 Second Track 4,75 km

Track (22/9/13 5:08:09μ.μ.)



Towards Flassou & Linou

(Walking with Efi Andrianou)


Reaching Linou

(Night falls, meeting Fitos)

(transfered with car to Nikitari, village of the fabled Asinou Church to stay over as the night had fallen)


Odoiporiko / First Day / Third Day







Copyright  © 5764  / 2004. All Rights reserved to the concepts, writings, poetry, photography and video art by Halkios. All thoughts sealed long ago in a contract with the universe. No recreation of these scrolls, in any shape or means of force, is tolerable without articulate consent of the intrepid architect.