




About Ay Sun

Born in Nicosia in 1981, Aysun started to follow her notes vibrating in her soul by listening to the nature carefully at the age of 3. She was listening to the sound of trees, the vibration of the earth, the silence of the ants and the “voice” of water. Her toy, a mandolin, gave her the spirits to get into music deeply and then started to play piano at very early age.
ay7sun10Taking lessons from Jale Dervish, her piano teacher, she started composing her own songs on the piano, rejecting to write down the notes and learning them. All she liked was to listen, and to make people listen. Ever since, she believed that music is a kind of “painting” “visualising” “dreaming” by notes “Music is the noted-literature of whatever you see...” she says. 

She has always been interested in the soundtracks of the movies, cartoons and the ads she was watching on TV and this gave her the motivation to focus on what she wants to work later on she discovered a programme called Reason. She is the first person who composed a long feature movie; shoot in the north part of Cyprus, called “Gun Batarken” (As the Sun Sets). Now, she is preparing for a big concert in Salamis Ruins, working with famous Conductor, Maestro Orhan Sallıel. “The Symphony of Awakening”, with 65 musicians from Cukurova State Symphony Orchestra will join Aysun’s Cypriot musician friends consisting 19 musicians. The concert will be her soundtracks she has composed for several long feature films and documentaries as well as her other compositions. She joined the Diary of an Angel Project on the 26th of October, 2013.



2014 - Symphony of Awakening (Concert- Salamis Ruins) Conductor: Orhan Şallıel/Soundtracks of Aysun Kahraman

2013 - Abdullah Öztoprak Project (Fashion Show) - Music: Aysun Kahraman
2013 - Al Jazeera – Documentary by Ensar Altay -Music:Aysun Kahraman/Onur Kasapoğlu
2012 - CLOCKMAN (SAATADAM) (Soundtrack) - Director: Eray Demir
2011 - Anahtar (Feature Movie Soundtrack) Director: Cemal Yıldırım
2010 - Öpecem Seni © (Album)
2010 - Inflagranti (Short Movie Soundtrack) -Director- Sevim Kultaş
2010 - My Name is Me (Short Movie Soundtrack) - Director: Fatma Bender
2010 - Limassol Turkish Bank (Jingle)

2010: Ziya Rızkı Documentary (Soundtrack) - Director: Yetin Arslan
2008 - Halıcı Composition Competition TURKEY (Finalist) 2009:Halıcı Composition Competition TURKEY (Finalist)
2009 - GÜN BATARKEN (Feature FilmSoundtrack)
2009 - KTOS Documentary (Soundtrack)
2009 - Top 10 TRNC (Best Video of the Year Award)

2009 - Halıcı Composition Competition TURKEY (Finalist) 


© All rights reserved to the  poetry and writings, music and lyrics by Aysun Kahraman aka Ay Sun





Copyright  © 5764  / 2004. All Rights reserved to the concepts, writings, poetry, photography and video art by Halkios. All thoughts sealed long ago in a contract with the universe. No recreation of these scrolls, in any shape or means of force, is tolerable without articulate consent of the intrepid architect.