



Takako's Quill

Takako's Quill


Message from Takako

"I was born the 27th of February of 1961 in Beppu-shi, Oita, Japan. I am a Japanese woman, a bookkeeper and a poet, living in Tokyo, Japan. I began to write poetry in 2006. I love music, art and especially writing about my daily life. My dream is to collaborate with photographers and combine their work with my poetry. My biggest goal is someday to publish a book with my poems."


Love is with me,

Poems and emotion


My warm tears which pour away to become "a shooting star":

My tender words which are prayed for wishes of happiness:

Poems and emotion Love is with me, 

when they change their style to be immortal and special existence,

 to be the best at any situation, and to be "peace" for people all over the world. 





© All rights reserved to the poetry and writings by Takako Itoh aka "Takako" 孝子





Copyright  © 5764  / 2004. All Rights reserved to the concepts, writings, poetry, photography and video art by Halkios. All thoughts sealed long ago in a contract with the universe. No recreation of these scrolls, in any shape or means of force, is tolerable without articulate consent of the intrepid architect.